(An Unit Of Diocese of Madurai & Ramnad) |
1-Apr-2018 to 31-Mar-2019 |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
2017-18 |
Income |
2018-19 |
To Academic Expenses |
By Fees Collection |
245386.00 |
Seminar & Conferences |
4198.00 |
3073550.00 |
Fees Collecton |
4468700.00 |
396688.54 |
Examination & Commission |
642073.00 |
1500000.00 |
Govt. Scholarship Received |
1500000.00 |
220120.00 |
Meeting & Function |
329936.00 |
289000.00 |
Hostel Fees |
247000.00 |
101382.00 |
Library Maintenance |
109415.00 |
40800.00 |
Sale of Application Form |
56000.00 |
91275.00 |
Teaching Materials |
116195.00 |
15600.00 |
Teaching Pratice Inspection |
40040.00 |
By Other Income |
103250.00 |
Staff Development Activities |
105762.00 |
46434.00 |
Bank Interest |
40453.00 |
448000.00 |
Fees Refund |
104000.00 |
4600.00 |
Donation in Kind |
0.00 |
42518.00 |
Other Income |
0.00 |
To Staff Salary |
132242.00 |
Interest on Investment |
0.00 |
2013487.00 |
Salary |
2255485.00 |
166478.00 |
PF Contribution |
158321.00 |
549956.08 |
By Excess of Expenditure over Income |
38000.00 |
Honorarium |
96000.00 |
10000.00 |
Contribution to Convention |
To Administrative Expenses |
1469.80 |
Bank Charges |
619.50 |
120210.00 |
Electrical Charges |
147071.00 |
47845.00 |
Printing Charges |
59750.00 |
1634.00 |
Postage & Courier |
6421.00 |
10019.00 |
Stationary |
36958.00 |
41959.00 |
Telephone Charges |
15022.00 |
To Other Expenses |
50350.00 |
Advertisemant |
40380.00 |
0.00 |
Audit Fee |
17720.00 |
11510.00 |
Competitions |
16775.00 |
14345.00 |
Computer Accessories / Lab |
25150.00 |
62179.00 |
Conveyance |
112133.00 |
11505.00 |
Hospitality |
30064.00 |
250093.00 |
Hostel Establishment & Upkeep |
237732.00 |
72810.00 |
Office Maintenance |
71464.00 |
477823.00 |
Repairs & Upkeep |
61152.00 |
0.00 |
Sports Materials |
15775.00 |
21455.00 |
Vechicle Expenses |
6226.00 |
0.00 |
Water Tax |
1200.00 |
To Contribution |
25760.00 |
Contribution to DMR |
27166.00 |
22000.00 |
HMS Sales Contribution |
0.00 |
586466.74 |
To Depreciation |
513639.31 |
To Excess of Income over Expenditure |
908310.19 |
5679100.08 |
Total |
6312153.00 |
5679100.08 |
Total |
6312153.00 |
(An Unit Of Diocese of Madurai & Ramnad) |
1-Apr-2018 to 31-Mar-2019 |
Receipts |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
Payments |
2017-18 |
2018-19 |
TO Opening Balance |
By Academic Expenses |
College - Bank A/c - SBI |
527280.94 |
351091.60 |
Seminar & Conferences |
245386.00 |
4198.00 |
College - Cash A/c |
46468.00 |
73717.00 |
Examination & Commission |
396688.54 |
642073.00 |
Hostel - Bank A/c - PGB No.4972 |
49868.33 |
90608.33 |
Meeting & Function |
220120.00 |
329936.00 |
Hostel - Bank A/c - PGB No.5113 |
2329.00 |
2329.00 |
Library Maintenance |
101382.00 |
109415.00 |
Hostel - Cash A/c |
265.00 |
376.00 |
Teaching Materials |
91275.00 |
116195.00 |
Teaching Pratice Inspection |
15600.00 |
40040.00 |
To Fees Collection |
Staff Development Activities |
103250.00 |
105762.00 |
Fees Collecton |
3073550.00 |
4468700.00 |
Fees Refund |
448000.00 |
104000.00 |
Govt. Scholarship Received |
1500000.00 |
1500000.00 |
Hostel Fees |
289000.00 |
247000.00 |
By Staff Salary |
Sale of Application Form |
40800.00 |
56000.00 |
Salary |
2013487.00 |
2078285.00 |
PF Contribution |
166478.00 |
158321.00 |
Honorarium |
38000.00 |
96000.00 |
Contribution to Convention |
10000.00 |
To Other Income |
Bank Interest |
46434.00 |
40453.00 |
By Administrative Expenses |
Donation in Kind |
4600.00 |
Bank Charges |
1469.80 |
619.50 |
Other Income |
42518.00 |
Electrical Charges |
120210.00 |
147071.00 |
Interest on Investment |
132242.00 |
Printing Charges |
47845.00 |
59750.00 |
Postage & Courier |
1634.00 |
6421.00 |
To Loans and Advances |
Stationary |
10019.00 |
36958.00 |
Salary Advance Recovery |
0.00 |
6000.00 |
Telephone Charges |
41959.00 |
15022.00 |
By Other Expenses |
Advertisemant |
50350.00 |
40380.00 |
Audit Fee |
0.00 |
17720.00 |
Competitions |
11510.00 |
16775.00 |
Computer Accessories / Lab |
14345.00 |
25150.00 |
Conveyance |
62179.00 |
112133.00 |
Furniture |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Hospitality |
11505.00 |
30064.00 |
Hostel Establishment & Upkeep |
250093.00 |
237732.00 |
Office Maintenance |
72810.00 |
71464.00 |
Repairs & Upkeep |
477823.00 |
61152.00 |
Sports Materials |
0.00 |
15775.00 |
Vechicle Expenses |
21455.00 |
6226.00 |
Water Tax |
0.00 |
1200.00 |
By Contribution |
Contribution to DMR |
25760.00 |
27166.00 |
HMS Sales Contribution |
22000.00 |
0.00 |
By Fixed Assets |
Computer |
165300.00 |
Furniture |
27200.00 |
29740.00 |
Library |
4000.00 |
Musical Instrument-key board |
27800.00 |
Biometric divise |
4600.00 |
Water purifier |
16000.00 |
By Loans and Advance |
Salary Advance Paid |
65000.00 |
145750.00 |
Closing Balance |
College - Bank A/c - SBI |
351091.60 |
1626072.10 |
College - Cash A/c |
73717.00 |
50923.00 |
Hostel - Bank A/c - PGB No.4972 |
90608.33 |
95576.33 |
Hostel - Bank A/c - PGB No.5113 |
2329.00 |
2329.00 |
Hostel - Cash A/c |
376.00 |
7581.00 |
Total |
5755355.27 |
6836274.93 |
Total |
5755355.27 |
6836274.93 |